
Phil Vickery really doesn't want to open a restaurant

Hot Dinners bumped into TV chef Phil Vickery this week doing, of all things, a promotion for Aldi’s range of Christmas food. We couldn’t help asking him whether he’d ever think of opening his own restaurant in town to which he answered: ‘It’s too much money and even Mark Hix says you can’t live off it. If you open a restaurant, he says you should open the back door, pour your money into a big pile, light it and warm your hands on it – as that’s the only comfort you’ll get as a restaurant owner . All the tops guns are struggling – it’s something I have absolutely no desire to do.’ So that’s a no, then?

Meanwhile, another TV chef, Ainsley Harriott, has weighed in on the Gordon Ramsay debate slamming Ramsay for his bad attitude. ‘You have to bring his temperament into question,’ Harriott told an interviewer this week. ‘I don't bring up children like that. I have spoken in schools and I don't think we should teach children about that sort of angry side, that dismissive side of things. It sends out the wrong message to children.’

Other things we learned this week

