
Extra booking dates released for Heston's new restaurant

dinner by heston openingIf you're a subscriber to the Hot Dinners newsletter, you'll know that our last missive eulogised the benefits of following us on Twitter or Facebook. Well just over a week after sending that out, here comes the proof. When booking lines for Dinner by Heston at the Mandarin Oriental hotel in Knightsbridge opened back before Christmas, there was meltdown. Before you knew it, tables had been booked clear to the beginning of May - the further in advance the system would allow.

Well from tomorrow (1 Feb 2011) that window of opportunity on the reservations is opening a smidge wider, so bookings will be taken four months in advance. In practice that means at 9am tomorrow, they'll be releasing tables for May 2011. So if you want to get into the unequivocally must-try restaurant of the year, you can book on the Dinner by Heston website or by calling the restaurant direct on 020 7201 3833.

There. We did promise we'd come through for you.

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