
Feast puts on a festive treat for Londoners in Islington

feast-mainHot Dinners popped along last night to the open night of Feast tucked away behind Islington's Upper Street in the former Post Office mail sorting depot now known as Islington Square.

We hadn't made it to their summer outing, so were genuinely interested to see what sort of show they put on. The answer was - a bloody good one. Through judicious use of fairy lights, Christmas decorations and a shed load of outside heaters, they've turned this derelict space into a bit of a winter wonderland.

Street food favourites like Lucky Chip and Yum Bun jostle side by side with handpicked restaruants, many of them like Mishkin's doing proper street food fare for the first time. Background Bars are responsible for the cocktails and made an immediate hit with both the Mulled Negroni - and the pickled plum and port punch. 

Dishes we tried that were standout were Yum Buns (of course), the fresh coley fish sandwich from Hix Fish Dogs and the stonking burger with 50 days aged beef from Borough Market's Elliot's.

Friday is now sold out, but there are still tickets available for the weekend slots. You should go - it's a lovely, lovely event.

Book tickets for Feast here.
